KJAER ADVICE | Konflikt mægling
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Konflikt mægling Tag

Copenhagen, Denmark

KJAER ADVICE assists DJØF in new perspectives on partnership collaboration.

At the annual DJØF Executive Management Seminar late February, KJAER ADVICE incentivized new ways to create partnerships between sectors, industries, and businesses and thereby, bring more value to DJØF customers and members.

Louise Kjær presented the participants an assessment of challenges and opportunities inherent to cross-sector and cross-organizational partnerships –and facilitated a debate about change potential within the organization and in respect of new collaboration initiatives with external partners.

DJØF is the labor association for academics in the field of law, business, economics and social sciences. With over 90.000 members it is Denmark’s largest advocates for academics working in the public and private sector.

Copenhagen, Denmark

In Rwanda, a Silicon Valley based tech start-up is delivering blood samples to rural areas with drones. Can Danish companies also develop solutions that are affordable, sustainable and high-tech at the same time? This was the question at the “High-tech low–cost road to SDG innovation” event – hosted by the Confederation of Danish Industries, the Danish Foreign Ministry the Danish Technical Univeristy – and the short answer is yes!


While many companies at the event were interested in tomorrow’s technologies so were participating NGOs and international organisations. Danish Red Cross, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and UNDP pointed towards specific ways technology can drive new solutions for their beneficiaries. Meanwhile, NGOs also called on companies to engage local talent that might be poor, but are nevertheless looped into the digital age and can help companies create innovative solutions. Louise Kjær, Strategic Partnership Advisor to the Danish Refugee Council pointed towards refugees in the Middle East region as an example.


Watch video and read more:


Bjerringbro, Denmark

Fruitful meeting with the water technology provider Grundfos and the Danish Refugee Council about continuous collaboration related to sustainable water-related solutions in refugee communities and host societies across the globe. A cross-sector partnership moving into it’s second phase – and looking very promising.

Copenhagen, Denmark

For a number of years KJAER ADVICE has been guiding the creative entrepreneurship organization ‘Creative Business Cup’ in identifying and brokering new strategic partnership agreements and sponsor relations – thereby helping to expand a Scandinavian base to a vibrant global organization.


This years annual ‘Creative Business Cup 2016’ nominated Green City Solution of Germany  the title of world champion in creative entrepreneurship 2016. Denes Honus, CEO and Co-founder impressed the jury with the business idea; an urban tree covered by moss cultures that eats particular matter, nitrogen dioxide and ozone with the same effect as 275 natural urban trees.

Skane, Sweden

In partnership with IDEON OPEN of Lund University, Sweden, KJAER ADVICE formed part of the Future Scenario Workshop exploring what sustainable living will look like in 2030. What kinds of products and services will we need?


In a co-lab environment some 20 businesses co-created mindblowing new ideas! Participants were inspired in how to actively apply mega trends and a design driven approach to innovation in development of their future business.


Among the participants were Sony Nordic, Assa Abloy, and Perstorp. Stay tuned for an updoming Future Lab on innovation in food packaging in February 2017. For more information please go to the contact page.

Oslo, Norway

Scandinavian Business Finds New Opportunity in the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Scandinavia is bubbling up as a new center of activity in the shared value movement. In August 2016 Pure Consulting convened over hundred Norwegian professionals from a variety of sectors. Companies, NGOs and institutions working in Scandinavia and globally gathered in Oslo for Pure’s annual breakfast seminar about the latest trends in sustainability and shared value. This year’s topic: Using the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework for corporate sustainability efforts.


Industry leaders TOMRA, Airplane Express /Flytoget and Aker BioMarine shared their experience and KJAER ADVICE lectured on the role of cross-sector partnership collaboration in implementing the SDGs.


This year, we’re proud to say we’ve done something completely new with this event: We have created a shared value alliance in Scandinavia. This partnership will combine our two companies  (Pure Consulting in Norway and KJAER ADVICE in Denmark) in a joint initiative to share learnings and experiences with each other and the field.

There’s no doubt the SDGs are the new global framework that can be used by business, NGOs, and government to reach their goals within sustainability.

We hope we can take everyone – especially the Scandinavian region – with us on this journey, building on the experience that’s already there and then advancing it to the next level, thereby changing the world.


Watch the video below


Copenhagen, Denmark

KJAER ADVICE continues to support the Group Sustainability team at A.P. Moller – Maersk, with a particular focus on emerging markets.
We provide sparring and guidance to the partnerships pilot projects that are currently being implemented across the world, in Indonesia, Latin America and in Africa. All project managers gather in Copenhagen in June.


Coinciding in June, KJAER ADVICE will facilitate the gathering in Copenhagen of The Global Alliance of Trade Facilitation –  a public-private partnership for trade-led growth.
The World Economic Forum,  the International Chamber of Commerce and the Center for International Private Enterprise, along with the governments of Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States will work in partnership to support effective implementation of the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) landmark Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA). This which could reduce trade costs by an average of 14.3% and create up to 20 million jobs, mostly in developing countries.

Iraq & Uganda

Launch of a new Business-Humanitarian Partnership Lab
Humanitarian crises are occurring with greater frequency within the global landscape. These crises are becoming long lasting and require long-term solutions. Simultaneously, NGOs and humanitarian agencies are experiencing declining donor funding. This development – coupled with an increasing pressure on crisis-affected communities – calls for innovative solutions to tackle protracted crises by involving new actors.


KJAER ADVICE has been instrumental in brokering and designing an innovative cross-sector partnership between the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), one of the world’s leading humanitarian organizations, and Grundfos, a world leader in water system solutions.


Pilot testing this new cross-sector approach will kick-off during field visits to Iraq and Uganda. The fact-finding missions – where also technical university scholars from the Danish Technical University (DTU) are invited to join – will visit not only camp-sites but broader refugee communities within the host countiries to explore water-related needs and un-met business opportunities . The aim is for the patnership to jointly identify commercial opportunities and aid effeiciency gains in the invention of new products and service development solutions. It is also envisioned that these joint efforts may enhance an environment of local entrepreneurship, job creation and micro-economic improvements for the benefit of refugees and the host countries

New York, USA

As Consulting Affiliate to the Shared Value Initiative KJAER ADVICE participated at the 6th annual Share Value Leadership Summit taking place in the beginning of May. At the Summit, world leaders and business thinkers alike discussed the private sector’s role in achieving the UN Global Goals, shared value’s power to attract and retain young talent, and equity as a business imperative. Among the 400 attendees were CEOs of Nestlé, The Coca-Cola Company, Yara, Novozymes, Mahindra Group, and many more.


President of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, in a panel discussion with Michael Porter, FSG/Harvard Business School, stated:
”Creating economic opportunity will avoid conflict. It is evidenced that better health and education outcomes account for growth” (..) ” Governments alone cannot deliver. It is critically important to collaborate across sectors to build necessary economic growth.”


With Michael Porter adding:
”There is money on the table for businesses if they can actually help solve social or societal problems. Look for competitive advantages. How can we do thing differently? It’s about seeing opportunities that others miss!”